When I find things I truly love and see make a difference, I want to share them. Here are products and services that I use and found helpful that you can now shop online.
Amazon Storefront
Find all the products I use in my home, with my kids, to keep me organized, motivated, and some that are too good not to share! Click here to browse products.
Natura Homemade Artisan Soaps
My lovely daughter and I embarked on a fun passion project, creating homemade natural soaps! Destined4 spa products offer you a chance to “choose” your destiny through natural products aimed towards uplifting and invigorating your senses. Follow Destined4 or check out our products here.
or simply email destined4.spaproducts at gmail dot com (sorry have to spell out to avoid all the auto-spammers)
Online Coaching Courses
I am a big advocate of getting coaching. There is no best time to start as it is immensely helpful at any life stage. Coaching, in my experience, can help you become more confident and achieve many goals. Here are some coaching courses I found useful, there are some available for kids and teens as well.
Please send me an email (Christina at christinachandra dot com ) for a registration link to any of the following that I recommend: