It becomes all the bit more real when you experience one of the fun milestones of pregnancy… the baby shower! I was a lucky girl and got spoiled with two!
The first was a surprise at work. I was told to come to an impromptu announcement in the boardroom, when I got there I see a spread of treats prepped by all my co-workers, balloons, gifts, and sparkling juice…so cute and touching. I definitely didn’t expect that, given knowing how busy it has been, but meant so much. Also impressive that they surprised me…they are lucky I am so slow that I guess they knew I would take the longest to walk in. Good eats, lovely gifts and a hilarious round of baby games…it is entertaining to watch your new VP have to draw the word “breast pump” in baby Pictionary. A good time and I was moved. This made me further realize what a great team I work with, truly.
My second shower was thrown by my moms and sisters on June 2nd. It included all our close family and friends…what a turnout! Everything was so beautiful; the cake – made by Cake Therapy (my sister) was amazing, the monkey and colourful decor (by my sister-in-law) was so cute as I love monkeys, all the fancy and delicious food and treats brought by everyone, cake pop giveaways also by Cake Therapy, and of course a room full of all the beautiful ladies in my life… and my cutey patutey nephews and niece. It’s an incredible and warm feeling to see those you love do this just for you and all the smiles sharing in on this excitement. Hubby also contributed with his specialty surprise bouquet of gorgeous flowers, which ironically matched my outfit. Prizes and games contributed to the fun, and I can’t believe the amazing gifts… everyone went so over the top with prezzies for peanut. Words cannot express the love and gratitude I felt. What a spectacular day, thank you, I cannot say it enough.
Showered with love, eats, and baby gifts…all looking forward to the arrival of peanut. We are so fortunate.
Love you all.
Xoxoxo (times a million)