Parenting advice is abundant, and can sometimes be overwhelming for the new mom. Having said that, it’s comforting to often hear advice directly from people that have actually gone through it and giving you personal experiences. Relate-able advice is easier to take, and I know that personally, I referred to it often when learning the ropes.
As a mom blogger, I am fortunate to have found some great bloggers with great advice out there. Tips that I found useful to all moms alike when just trying to do our best.
I wanted to share some advice that I personally asked for, how to be an effective parent, how to keep the kids busy without always resorting to TV and movies, what advice to try and instill into kids as they get older, and my own guilt of letting my toddler sleep with us from time to time. I consistently found myself referring to other parent bloggers, and found it such an invaluable source. Mom bloggers, really are friends that are there for moms, looking to help moms and form this impeccable community. I am so thankful to have linked up and found this awesome group of strong and informative women.
So fellow moms, here is a round-up of just a few great parenting tips from mom bloggers, direct from the source, from moms just like you.
Why I Started Letting My 2-Year Old Sleep In Our Bed
5 Tips to Surviving Parenthood as an Introvert
15 Stress Busting Activities for Kids
Need 20 Minutes? Here’s 5 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy Without TV
Why You Need to Talk about Dalai Lama With Your Kids
I hope you can relate as much as I did to these posts.
Much love.