I Have Changed.

I am a different person…post pregnancies. Obviously having children evokes changes within,  changes priorities,  changes sleep patterns, even changes how much love you could project. …

She is precious.

As I hear her little cries and squirming about, I know it’s diaper change plus feed time for my little girl. She knows I am…

Stay up and stare

Well Rayna is definitely a night owl, she mainly likes to deep sleep in the day and feed and wake up more frequently in the…

Hiiiii Babyyyyy

We finally got to see our little bun in the oven last week! It doesn’t matter if you have been through all of this before, …

Toddler Life

My friends, with kids, can attest to this… and though it seems like a rant, it really isn’t.  Having a young male monster that is…